Wu Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan

With Qi Gong and Self Care Training as taught by Lyrea Crawford

The current class is open only to current or previous students. During the colder months, class takes place virtually at 9 AM on Wednesdays.

In warmer weather, in-person classes are held outdoors on the grounds of the "Vitality Center" at 18980 County Hwy D, between West Lima and Bloom City. More generally, this location is between Richland Center and LaFarge, WI. Click here for a map

If you are interested in learning the Wu Style 108 movement sequence from the beginning, or if you are a previous student interested in review, please get in touch with me. I have created a series of instructional videos for you. Click here to send an email

The Wu Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan class activates and fosters the flow of Chi/Qi (vital life force) in the body, allowing participants to access health benefits, a sense of well-being and tranquility of mind. T’ai Chi Ch’uan is an ancient oriental exercise discipline characterized by graceful flowing movements done at a slow tempo with gentle shifts of weight from one side of the body to the other. During the practice, the mind and body are harmonized through a kind of concentrated but relaxed attention. T’ai Chi is both an external and internal art, and has been called “meditation in motion.” There is mounting evidence that T’ai Chi may assist in lowering blood pressure, preventing falls in the elderly, and easing a variety of other conditions.

Participants in this class learn the complete Traditional Long Form of Wu Style T’ai Chi Ch’uan consisting of 108 movement sequences. Instruction goes far beyond the simple presentation of these movements however, and focuses on proper breathing, awareness of the energy flow in the body, and the philosophical basis of the discipline. The study of the Wu Style form is supplemented by Qi Gong and a variety of Self Care techniques designed to gently open and prepare the body for the practice.

Lyrea's Background

Lyrea originally studied Wu Style T’ai Chi Ch’uan with the late Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin in Milwaukee during the early 1980’s. This excellent foundation has since been amplified through additional T’ai Chi and Qi Gong training with Marilyn Allysum of Minneapolis, and several others. Lyrea gained much understanding of the concepts of energy flow, breath, the Chinese Meridian/Acupoint system and the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine through a variety of additional studies. Lyrea is a nationally certified and state licensed Massage Therapist specializing in manual therapy. She offers instruction in Aligned for Vitality Yoga, Meditation and more.

Fees and Attendance Information

Students may pay either $90 in advance for 8 weeks of class or $120 in advance for 12 weeks of class. Those prices are for cash or check paid directly to Lyrea.

You can also pay for 12 weeks in advance using the Paypal button below. (Credit/debit cards are accepted.) In this case the fee is $125 for 12 weeks.

Beginning students will pay a one-time $15 manual/handout fee, and will be given a folder containing some introductory materials. Handouts will be provided in class on an ongoing basis at no charge, and will be added to the folder to create the full class manual.

Questions and Registration

Please contact Lyrea with questions. Phone (608) 383-3589 or click here to send an email.

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